This Red Sea diving safari travels as far North as Gobal Islands and Rosalie Moeller wreck and as far South as Panorama reef and Salem Express, combining the best Hurghada and Safaga have to offer.

Dive the famous four wrecks of Abu Nuhas, the Ships’ Graveyard. This reef lies close to the ship-lane toward the Suez Canal and has claimed more ships than any other in the Red Sea. The wrecks are very scenic, covered in corals and they are fantastic for photography, especially the Carnatic, having sunk in 1869.

The recently discovered Rosalie Moeller is a World War II wreck and one of the highlights of this cruise. The Rosalie Moeller was a British coal cargo, sunk in 1941 by German Bombers on a scouting mission off the island of Crete.

You will also be visiting the wreck of Salem Express, one of the largest accessible wrecks in the Red Sea. Recent growths of hard & soft corals, along with a variety of reef fish who have taken shelter among the rubble, give this dive a new and much appreciated feel.

This Red Sea diving safari has a lot to offer for reef lovers as well, as Safaga is renowned for its less visited fresh sites and its beautiful coral gardens. Sites like Panorama reef, which is celebrated as much as Elphinstone, for the variety of life it offers and the chance to spot large pelagics.

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